Helping People Develop Their Own Businesses

Answer freely and honestly.  Every individual will have different answers to the questions.
There are no "correct" answers.
The Questionnaire has been designed to help you decide
what type of business would suit you best.

Answering this Questionnaire takes only a few minutes.  It has 38 multiple choice questions.
1) What jobs have you had in the recent past (up to 3), and how long did each last?
75 words maximum.

2) If not employed outside the home, what do you do with your time?
3) What in the list below are you naturally interested in? (Check the 4 most important items)
Recreation and sports
Small stores and local people
Health and wellness
Telecommunications and computers
Home and consumer products
Family, community and religious life
Music and the arts
Literature and education
Business, finance and economics
Government and history
Science and technology
4) What business options have you investigated recently?
5) Have you ever started your own business, and what happened?
6) What types of activities do you particularly enjoy, and would you seek to involve in a new business? (Check the 4 most important items)
Recreation and sports
Sales and marketing
Interviewing people; serving and meeting their needs
Teaching and mentoring
Product service - making things work
Research in the library or lab
Managing and organizing programs and events
Politics and government service
Outdoor activity
Computer and internet activity
7) Do you believe in investing in your own personal growth and development? Do you need to grow?
Yes, I believe in growth and need a lot
Yes, I believe in growth and need some
Not needed much; I already have a lot of experience and am successful
8) How have you invested in personal development in the recent past?
9) Why do you want to start a new business? (Check all that apply)
Extra spending money
Serious need for income
Health problems needing attention, requiring more income
Have lost, or am about to lose, present employment
Financial freedom
Time and schedule flexibility
Want to be self-employed and be my own boss
Retired, seeking new income and challenge
10) What is important to you in choosing a particular company to work with? (Check all that apply)
Economic sector
Company position in the economic sector
Company integrity
Quality of products and services provided by the company
Personal interest in products or services provided by the company
Training and strong support from business associates
A turn-key system, so I don't have to invent it
Somebody else does the paperwork and administration
11) What is important in how the work will affect you? (Check the 4 most important items)
Opportunity to be creative
Time and schedule freedom
Working from home
Lots of contact with people
Working alone and little contact with people
Part-time as opposed to full-time commitment
Being my own boss
High income potential
Immediate income
Steady income
12) What is your ultimate income goal, in $ per month, from a new business?
13) How fast do you want to achieve that goal?
In 6 months
In 1 year
In 2 years
In 5 years
14) How much time can you devote to a new business opportunity?
5-10 hours per week
10-20 hours per week
20-30 hours per week
Full time (40-60 hours per week)
15) How much time are you willing to commit to a new business opportunity?
5-10 hours per week
10-20 hours per week
20-30 hours per week
Full time (40-60 hours per week)
16) When are you willing to begin a new business activity?
2 months
6 months
1 year
17) If one of our businesses fits you, why should we be willing to invest time in training you?
18) How much are you willing to invest in a new business?
19) Do you have obligations or limitations that will prevent you from investing the needed time in a new business? Please mention what they are.
20) Are there other people that will influence or have a strong voice in whether you begin a new business?
21) Do you feel confident in learning a new business?
Yes, very confident
Little experience
22) Are you a high energy person?
Not very much
23) Do you feel comfortable talking to people in general, including strangers?
Yes, very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not very much
24) Do you have successful marketing experience?
Yes, a lot
Yes, some
Not very much
25) Do you now own or run a successful business?
Yes If yes, what is the business?
26) Do you want to market your own products and/or services, or resell products and/or services provided by others?
Market my own products and/or services
Resell products and/or services provided by others
Both my own products and/or services and those provided by others
27) Which interests you more, products or services?
Greater interest in products
Greater interest in services
Equal interest in both
28) Are you experienced with computers and the internet?
Yes, a lot
Yes, some
Very little
29) Can you see yourself as a highly successful business owner?
Not much
30) Where would you like your business to be situated?
At home
At an office away from home
On the road while traveling
31) Check the features you would like in a business (as many as apply)
A business that includes driving
Wearing formal clothes or a uniform
A business that includes excitement and occasional slight danger
Doing hands-on work and getting hands dirty occasionally
More talking and thinking activity than physical activity
More physical activity than talking and thinking activity
32) Which of the following does your natural inclination favor? (Your history gives the answer. This question is not about what you want for the future.)
Information and ideas
All three in balance
33) Are you willing to be transformed into a successful business owner?
It depends on what is required
I am already successful in business
34) What is your greatest limitation on being successful in business?

Do you consider yourself a leader? Yes
I lead in some activities
Do others consider you a leader? Yes
In some activities, others recognize my leadership qualities
35) What is your greatest skill?
36) The best time to reach you in the next 48 hours is (please put time zone):
37) Comments
38) First Name
Include title and/or middle initial if desired

Last Name 


Phone (with area code)


37) How did you find this Questionnaire? Please give name of person, website, or ad.

Now that you have completed the questionnaire, jump toward a new future by pressing the SUBMIT button below.  We are not the kind of people who bother others with repeated calls.  We desire to serve you, and we find good business partners by helping you.  We will contact you after looking over your answers -- we'll chat with you about what we see, and if you like, we will tell you about our business activities and systems.  We have several options that can help you develop your own business.  After that, it depends on what you would like to do, and whether we both see potential for a mutually beneficial partnership.  We'll call and talk to you once only, unless you say you want to pursue a relationship with us further.  Either way, you benefit.

© Copyright 2003-2004      J.C.MUNDAY JR.     All Rights Reserved